Start your engines!

Ladies & Gentlemen, start your engines!

This is the month to put the pedal to the metal and get your wheels moving.  That’s right.  Move those feet to get 500 minutes of cardio outside of your regular gym time.  And hold yourself accountable to getting a jump start (not to be confused with a false start) on that summer shape you want.  

Some of you have already committed, signed up, and are logging your time.  I’m gonna go with the theme here and call you our Pace Cars

What’s it gonna be for the rest of us?  Running?  Bike riding?  Rowing on the water?  Roller blading?  Walking the dog?  You choose!  This is the weather we’ve been waiting on, people.  DO SOMETHING with it! 

 So while all of us are here, back home again in Indiana, let’s make the most of it.  Here’s some ideas:

Heck, you can even end up at a BAR at the end of your cardio (I’ve heard that’s part of the biking culture to have a beer after a long ride) and I promise, we’re not asking you to track that here. ;)

Whatever it takes to get out, get moving, get your heart pumping, and get your smile forming at the burn or next-day-ache that takes place in your quads or your bum.  THAT’S what we’re talkin’ ‘bout.  Do what you love.  Do what makes you feel good.  Do something that makes you want to do something even more.  Movement is the key to the continuation of movement.  Today, embrace the opportunity to find sweat, smiles, and strength in getting out of the box and increasing your cardio.  Your body will thank you and your trainer will be impressed with your improved capacities. 

Go ahead, show us how it’s done.  And when you’re finished?  You can drink as much milk as you want.   Because in the Indy 500, just like the the FBD 500, we celebrate wins with fuel that keeps us going.

The flags have been waved – we’re just waiting for you to round the corner!  Sign up today.  Go ahead, be a spectacle.  It’s kinda the season for it.  Just sayin’.

Real.  Positive.  Change.  - Judi