Judi Chapman - Personal Trainer - Writer for FBD

Judi Bio Pic

You walk into FBD and find comradery and soft chatter among clients and friends, and then you hear it.  A startling boom.  A roar of sorts.  What in the world?  Oh – that’s Judi laughing.  Good grief, she’s loud.  And if you’re within an earshot, you’ll hear from her a friendly greeting, a shout of encouragement, or maybe a bit of ribbing if she’s had her coffee… but most definitely, you’ll hear her clients correct her ability to count reps.   Judi has been with FBD almost 2 years and is still Counting Challenged.  But her clients love a good push, so what are a few extra reps anyway?

In between clients, Judi tries to satisfy her hunger by eating anything with protein.  Otherwise she said she’d be eating everything else in sight.  Sad, but true.  If chocolate chip cookies were healthy, she’d  munch on those all day long.  After hours, she might enjoy white wine, preferably served with friends.   To work off those calories, weight training is her go-to.  Her strength gains this year are no joke J

Judi has several favorite books:  The Art of Racing in the Rain, Loving Frank, and Daring Greatly.  Her favorite movie is Love Actually and her favorite binge TV show is anything that she watches with her kids so together they can share a chuckle.  OMG – it’s that laugh again. 

When asked what it means to be healthy or have good self-care, Judi admits that it’s an ongoing effort.   She consistently “strives to have a sense of balance, be authentic, and support others.”  She also “tries to be well rested, eat real foods, and stay active.  And most of all, maintain a network of positive friends and family who encourage each other to be our best selves.”  Judi’s insight on life?  “Nobody’s got it all figured out.”  Dang girl, ain’t that right.  Oops… did she just blow your cover?  Judi became a trainer because she’s an exercise junkie at heart and finds it “rewarding to engage, encourage, and support people through personal growth.”  

Spend some time with Judi.  After all, a good belly laugh with her counts as an ab exercise!