Light at the end of the tunnel?

A light at the end of the tunnel?  You’ve heard the rumblings.  It is expected that businesses will be opening up again in phases. Details yet TBD, but it’s movement.  How have you been during this quarantine? How do you WANT TO BE when it’s over?

When all this madness started, the emotions were overwhelming and all over the board.  Fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, frustrations…  Still, they come and go, and can be better managed with healthy food and exercise choices, a little social interaction, some productivity (either for work or to finish a puzzle) and good night’s sleep.  Yadda, yadda, yadda - always easier said than done.  We’re human, after all. 

After the first week of QT and figuring out which end is up, I thought, “Why not make a list of goals that I want to have accomplished, learned, experienced by the time it’s all over.” Sheesh, I’m such a dork.  Now, we’re headed that way.  Wait, where is that list that I made?  One thing’s for sure… celebrations will be in order.  In phases and with social distancing, of course.  But before the celebrations, let’s look at where we’ve been.

Each of us are impacted in unique ways.  Some have had the virus touch their lives in a very personal way, are working the frontlines, have experienced loss, without traditional methods of release or grieving.  Others are unexpectedly without income, at home with kids, home alone, experiencing depression, isolation, or even frenetic energy.  We all have likely noticed a loss in a traditional support system and don’t know how to manage the fear and uncertainty of what’s to come.  No matter where this experience has taken you, it’s no doubt had its share of pain.  There have been varying degrees of loss and our FBD team sends condolences, love, and peace to each of you. Is there an effective way to measure pain? Whose is worse, which hurts more, who is working harder, who has lost more… I believe that thinking and judging in that way is a game that no one wins.  It all hurts.  Instead, our job is to hold each other up and help with how to productively process that pain.  Find light and love where we can and share it with others.  

As this chapter of QT ends, and another one begins, let’s revisit that list of where we go from here.  Or make a new list.  Pull out some paper.  We’re on a timeline now, with a deadline in sight.  It’s GO time people.  Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What will I miss?

  2. What will I wish I had done?

  3. What will I want to continue doing? 

  4. What do I want to STOP doing upon return?

Give yourself this time.  Right now.  There are no wrong answers.  I really don’t want Post-QT to feel like the first days after vacation, where I try to hold onto the “chill” of time off, only to be foiled again by the stress of my routine.  It is said that habits really take shape after 30 days…which ones do we want to keep and which ones need to go away?

This QT is a life experience for us all.  How will you emerge on the other side?  How has it impacted your path to become the best version of yourself?  What community will you invest in to support you in this walk?  FBD loves being part of your community, your path to wellness in your life.  We are already cheering you on and anxiously awaiting the notice when we can redefine “normal” together.

Real.  Positive. Change.
