26 years. But who's counting?

We know you love FBD and we love having you here!  Besides the workouts that you get, we have a hunch that what keeps you coming back are the relationships and community you experience while you’re here.  So in an effort to build on that, we want you to get to know a little more about the folks that keep things rolling.  Sure, you see us.  You probably even know our names.  But we thought it would be fun to see another side of our trainers, as shared in their trainer feature blog. 

TODAY'S FEATURE:   Steve Smith

Personal Trainer, Life Coach at FBD since 1992

There’s more to Steve than you think.  Your initial take might be that he’s a gentle leader, patient teacher, and a natural encourager.  While all this is true, he is also a serious butt kicker in group strength classes and can douse a shirt in sweat in no time flat as he ties a kettlebell around his waist before he does chin ups.  Yes, seriously. 

You might see him roaming around drinking some sort of brown or green liquid in glass jar (it’s veggies, people), but know that he would secretly love to eat carrot cake every day if it were healthy.  (from Cheesecake Factory or Patachou)  Given the choice between beer, wine, or tequila, Steve will dashingly decline and order Kombucha instead.  (Gezundheit, Steve!)  For folks like me that have no idea what that is, it’s a fermented tea that’s loaded with probiotics, which is good bacteria for digestion.  Oh yes, silly me - of course it is.  Steve is the King of Clean Eating.  Living a life of example, he motivates and inspires people to join him in a life of self-care, as demonstrated in the FBDtox Program. 

As the rest of us are still deep in REM sleep, Steve can be found riding his bike at 4:30AM in the summer.  “Everything is so peaceful and quiet.  Yes Mom, I put on a headlamp and tail light.”  And for those moments when he’s sitting still, you might find him enjoying one of his favorites:  the “Dead Poets Society” movie or “The Man Who Listens to Horses” autobiography by Monty Roberts. 

Enrich your healthy life perspective by joining Steve as he builds an environment that encourages him to wake up and say, “Good Morning God!” instead of, “Good god, its morning…”

Carpe your Diems with Steve Smith at FBD! 

FBDtox Info.

Life Coach Info.