
Are you Borderline Diabetic or Struggling with Weight Management?

For years my wife has accused me of not getting enough sleep.  Sure, I was occasionally tired during the day, but I was able to function- so what was the big deal.   After listening to a podcast (1) with    Matthew Walker, PhD, respected sleep scientist at UC Berkeley, I started to wonder if my wife was right…again. 

Sleep deprivation goes way beyond just feeling tired, epidemiological studies consistently associate shortened sleep duration with weight gain, risk of myocardial infarction, hypertension, and diabetes when compared to individuals with normal sleep duration.(2)

I have family history of cardiovascular disease and my blood pressure is borderline high.  Hmmm…and so began my ongoing experiments to uncover ways to improve my sleep.

Dr. Walker gives 5 tips for optimizing the benefits of sleep and at the top is “Go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, no matter whether it’s the weekday or the weekend. Regularity is king. It’s what our bodies were designed to receive. And it will help anchor your sleep and improve both the quantity and the quality of that sleep.”(3)

Recently we had family over for a BBQ and game night.  I found myself fading at 9:30pm and when the gang was rallying for another match of Sequence I gracefully bowed out and went to bed.  It was a bit awkward, but they carried on as I fell fast asleep.  Do I do this 100% of the time?  No.  As with most things it’s about progress, not perfection. 

How do I measure quality sleep?  Though I am still working on ways to manage my blood pressure, I am waking up more often saying “Good Morning God” instead of “Good God It’s Morning.”   As I kiss my wife good night, I am reminded of my brilliance in marrying such a wise woman.  Being well is a journey, unique for each of us. 

As a health coach I help people discover their next healthy step.  Let me know if I can help. 

Good Night.

Steve Smith

Personal Trainer & Health Coach

